Commercial landlords and tenants have a unique business relationship.
With our combined experience in various business backgrounds, we structure that relationship in strategic ways to maximize the mutual benefits for both landlords and tenants.
Whether buying or selling, Walldorf offers an exceptional service focused on the specific strategic objectives of our clients. We take time to listen, understand objectives, and appreciate the business context in which our clients operate.
From established businesses to entrepreneurial ventures, we help clients understand how land, buildings, and space impact their operations, culture, and bottom line. We help clients plan and execute strategies to maximize operational and investment goals.

Herman Walldorf began selling real estate in Chattanooga in 1926. With good business sense, honesty, and hard work, he thrived through periods of growth and through periods of recession. To ensure that the company he founded embraced his core values, he attached his own name to it. Today, nearly a century later, that name has become synonymous with excellence in commercial real estate services. Our team is a healthy mix of career real estate professionals and those that came to real estate after working in the law, accounting, and business management. We understand the context in which businesses operate. And we still embrace the core values Herman Walldorf instilled in the company bearing his name.